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Configure the easytime weather display

The tablet allows displaying the current weather on its home page.

To use this feature, you need to use the script: cd_easytime

Configure the Feature

Enable or Disable Display
Config.easytime = true  -- true/false

You can decide whether to use this feature or not. By setting it to false, the display will not occur!

Change the Icon
Config.weatherIcons = {
    CLOUDS = 'weather-icon fas fa-cloud-sun',
    RAIN = 'weather-icon fas fa-cloud-rain',
    CLEAR = 'weather-icon fas fa-sun',
    OVERCAST = 'weather-icon fas fa-cloud-sun',
    EXTRASUNNY = 'weather-icon fas fa-sun',
    CLEARING = 'weather-icon fas fa-sun',
    NEUTRAL = 'weather-icon fas fa-sun',
    THUNDER = 'weather-icon fas fa-bolt',
    SMOG = 'weather-icon fas fa-smog',
    FOGGY = 'weather-icon fas fa-smog',
    SNOWLIGHT = 'weather-icon fas fa-snowflake',
    SNOW = 'weather-icon fas fa-snowflake',
    BLIZZARD = 'weather-icon fas fa-snowflake',
    XMAS = 'weather-icon fas fa-snowflake',
    HALLOWEEN = 'weather-icon fas fa-cloud-moon',
  • The icons we use are from Font Awesome.
  • To replace an icon, change the text after weather-icon with the new icon.

Warning, some icons do not work!

Change the Icon Color
  • To change the color of an icon, go to: nui/assets/color.css
.icon-name, .icon-2-name {
    color:rgb(85, 85, 85);
    text-shadow: 0 0 10px black; /* Add a 2-pixel black outline to the icon */

Change the GIF in the Background
Config.weatherGif = {
    CLOUDS = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    RAIN = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    CLEAR = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    OVERCAST = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    EXTRASUNNY = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    CLEARING = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    NEUTRAL = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    THUNDER = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    SMOG = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    FOGGY = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    SNOWLIGHT = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    SNOW = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    BLIZZARD = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    XMAS = "background: url('') center/cover;",
    HALLOWEEN = "background: url('') center/cover;",

You can change the GIF in the background according to the weather. To do this, simply replace the URL in url().

Link to available GIFs: Looping Storm GIFs (